Desexing, microchip & vaccination
Desexing, microchipping and vaccinating your pets are incredibly important parts of being a responsible owner. We offer affordable desexing for community pets. Pease call 9585 7936 for more information.
Operating hours (subject to change):
Mon – Fri: 8 AM – 5.30 PM
Sat & Sun: Closed
In case of emergency, please call so we can advise.
Our Vet Clinic is amazed with how many cats they’ve been able to desex thanks to their Community Cat Desexing Days; that they’re going out on a limb and making EVERY DAY COMMUNITY CAT DESEXING DAY!
If one undesexed kitten can lead to the birth of 20,000 kittens, imagine the difference our Community Cat Desexing Days have made for our community!
A desexed cat is a healthier and happier cat, call 9585 7936 to secure your cat’s desexing appointment sooner rather than later. Please note a $50 deposit is required on booking.
Thank you for making an important and considerate choice for your cat and the wider community.
Desexing, microchipping and vaccinating your pets are incredibly important parts of being a responsible owner. We offer affordable desexing for community pets. Pease call 9585 7936 for more information.
Say goodbye to your best friend where you both feel the most comfortable, home. Avoid the stress of transporting your animal to the vet; let them pass peacefully at home. Service offered to homes within 10 km from AAPS Keysborough. Please call our experienced staff on 9585 7936 for further details.
Equipped with advanced dental equipment, our clinic offers a wide range of dental services, from general consults and cleaning to full mouth restorations and dental surgery. Pease call 9585 7936 for more information.
Sick pets need a rapid diagnosis. This is why we have radiology, ultrasonography and in house blood testing services available at our clinic. Pease call 9585 7936 for more information.
Our clinicians have extensive experience with osteoarthritis, weight and behavioural problems and will be able to tailor a management regimen to the needs of your pet. Pease call 9585 7936 for more information.
Complementary social visits, parasite prevention and general consultations. Pease call 9585 7936 for more information.